FASD — 2003 Alumni Archives

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[Reflector 2003] [Class of 2003]
The 2003 Reflector — 100th Commencement Edition, Volume LXXXVII

Farrell High School— Class of 2003


Lindsey Andrusky — Secretary
Antoine Archie
Antonette Austin
Matthew Blough
Thomas Bralich
James Branca
Walter Brodie
Lashawntere Brown
Anthony Celenzi
D. Allan Claiborne
Latesha Culp
Sherrie Custer

Crystal Daniels — Vice President
Pamela Farkas
Steven Fraley
Tracee Gavins
Lauren Guerino
Alexis Henderson
Frank Holloway
Carlen Hooks

Chardenee Johnson — Historian
Terence Johnson
Domonique Jones
Sara Lorance
Candice Marshall
Jason Marshall
Maxwell McClure
Holly McFarland
Roy McKethan
Kendall McKoy
La-Tasha McWhorter
Jamie Myers
Justin Nicastro
Kendra Odem
Tahfaren Owens
Andre Pasley
Melchizedek Phillips
Christina Powell
Danielle Purich
TaKeshia Richardson

Tayonia Riley — Treasurer
William Roye
Leanne Rupnik
Michele Sanders
Elizabeth Schuster
Christopher Smith
Gregory Smith
Marques Smith

Ashley Smoot — President
Clarice Somerville
Dominique Stevenson
Lionel Stinson
Adina Wells
Santana Wells
Fawn Wise
Chansina Young
James Zec

Not pictured:
Lonnie Bridges
Rufus Chambers
Preston Chavers
Dana Coleman
Jolanda Estes
Brice Hilton
Shawnta Odem
Joshua Savage
Yvonne Whitehead
Michelle Wilder
Daniel Wiley

In Memoriam
Dishon Campbell — 1985 - 2001

A message from the Pedas Family
Any errors on these pages are unintentional. We welcome suggestions and contributions. Contact George Pedas. We are indebted to Ted Pedas for his generous funding of this project and to Kathy Pedas for her efforts in preparing the archival files. All rights reserved.   Contact Ted Pedas .